Apple Launch iPad – But Where’s The Domain?

If you work in the domain industry it’s only natural that you would put big brands’ choices under the microscope to some degree.

In the case of Apple they are a very big target.

Earlier today Apple released, to much hype, their latest product offering. The iPad.

You can read all about its features here, but where would you go to find out about the product itself and actually order one?

You would assume that was owned by Apple.

You’d be wrong.

The owner of will probably see a huge increase in their web traffic over the next few days, but they’re just an innocent bystander.

The domain has been registered since 1997 and so any attempt by Apple to grab the domain would have been difficult, if not futile. Having said that, however, they may have tried it!

Apple is using a simple sub-directory off their main site to provide all the info about their new product.

Of course if you are in favour of new TLDs this is just another wonderful example of how a company like Apple could make use of their own TLD. If Apple owned .apple or .mac they’d have been able to launch their new product via the more memorable instead of

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the podcast.

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