Wired Think Verisign Competes With GoDaddy

Wired is one of the few publications that generally does a good job of reporting all things technical and internet related.

However the magazine’s site last night ran an article reporting on the GoDaddy outage with the title:

Amid Outage, GoDaddy Moves DNS to Competitor VeriSign

On what planet do GoDaddy and Verisign compete? I had posted a comment on the article over there last night, but Wired have deleted it.

GoDaddy is a registrar

Verisign is a registry.

They have a symbiotic relationship.

The only way that anyone could describe the companies as competitors would be if you ignored Verisign’s sale of its SSL business to Symantec…

I’d have expected Wired to get it right – this is just sloppy reporting

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the Technology.ie podcast.


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