French Domain Registry Launch New Video Ad Campaign

Afnic, the French domain name registry, has launched a new video advertising campaign.

The campaign is aimed at French SMEs and is 25 second 3D animation.

Here it is:

The script focusses on a few key points that should resonate with small business owners:

  • price
  • security
  • uptime
  • privacy

Here’s a rough translation of the script:

Welcome to my domain!

Uh, I’m not talking about this old building, but about my domain in .fr!

My website, much cheaper to maintain.

For my personal data, nothing is safer. In France, it’s well protected.

My domain is accessible 24 hours a day, without interruption.

Ah! My advice and training to attract crowds to my site. People are getting ready…”

Safer, easier, cheaper, for your website choose a domain name in .fr.

.fr operated by Afnic – Internet Made in France.

You can read more about the background to the ad campaign on the Afnic site.

I really like the ad’s style – it’s playful and it’s very simple.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the podcast.

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