How Long Does A .eu Take To Register?

Considering how quickly the .eu zone has grown you would think that the zone would be reloaded every few minutes… However that does not seem to be the case. Even though whois etc., will update new zones and changes do not seem to be going live in anything close to realtime.

Transferring a .eu domain

As I mentioned last night, Eurid have now clarified their transfer policies. Since this is such “virgin” territory I thought I’d give it a try, so I’ve initiated a transfer between registrars. According to the Eurid site this should be quite straightforward, but for some reason I don’t feel so optimistic

Eurid Transfer Policies and Procedures Explained

Eurid have finally got round to providing information on transfers, both between registrant and between registrars. If the terminology is a bit confusing: the registrant in simple terms is the domain owner or holder, whereas the registrar is the company that registers or manages domains on behalf of its clients. In both cases the system… Continue reading Eurid Transfer Policies and Procedures Explained

Don’t ask Eurid why your eu domain wasn’t registered?

If you applied for a .eu domain under sunrise one or two you may have been lucky and actually got it. On the other hand you may have received a negative response from Eurid. If you got a negative response then you are in good company, as thousands of applications have been rejected without any… Continue reading Don’t ask Eurid why your eu domain wasn’t registered?

EU Downtime

According to IpWalk the main Eurid website has been down for more than 36 hours since Saturday. Further uptime stats are available via the ipwalk site

EU Rollout Good News For Regional TLDs

According to a report in WHIR not everyone sees the EU rollout as a fiasco. A spokesperson for Afilias views the rollout as being generally positive and good news for the growth of regional TLDs. It’s hardly surprising that Afilias would take this view given their involvement in several ccTLDs

Google et al monetise typos

Frank Michlick points to an article in today’s Washington Post that discusses domain typos in more detail. Although the article does not mention .eu domains directly it isn’t hard to see what can happen if the examples cited are to go by: The Post, using a software tool created by the Microsoft Research division, found… Continue reading Google et al monetise typos

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