Image by Getty Images via Daylife
While I’ve mentioned Bido in the past, as I thought it was a cool idea, I won’t be in the future.
Why not?
Because they seem to think it’s ok to send spam to members of DNForum.
If you want to market your website spamming people about it is NOT the way to do it.
Bido claim to be “revolutionary”, but spam is hardly a revolution and sending a mass PM to members of a domainer forum is exactly that.
Bido need to get a clue.
And here is the “lovely” message:
Dear Bido Friends
Greetings Bido Friends!We are happy to announce that Bido is alive and kicking. Upcoming auctions have been loaded into the system, with the first auction this Thrusday, February 19th.
Over the past few months we’ve made enormous progress with the Bido auction platform!
We overshot our target relaunch date but for a good reason. The development efforts that have gone into our platform are of a world-class level and these things take time to produce, test, and refine. We were aiming for February 2nd, but then placed that relaunch date to February 16th, when all auctions were loaded in to the system. We feel this change was mandatory and in the best interest of everyone involved. We do not take changing this date lightly. There are numerous technology modules that power the Bido platform and we simply needed more time in the schedule to complete our testing and redesign efforts of each and every touch point. Thank you for all the feedback and your understanding in the interim.Now on to the meat and potatoes! In these economic times, you may find that there’s no better time than now to liquidate one or some of your domain name assets. With the economic uncertainty ahead of us, it may be wise to stash some cash for a rainy day. If you have a premium domain (or several) that you would like to auction with us, please submit them here. The best time to setup your auction with us is now, prior to our relaunch. The earlier your domain is chosen for auction, the quicker we can complete the contract, escrow, and listing process with you. While auctions are not running at this moment, we are still actively setting up the future auctions. So please submit your domains, and if they are chosen for auction, we will be in touch with you.
A version of Bido that is in the pipeline, and that will be released shortly after our relaunch, will take a total spin on the domain submission and listing procedure. We hear your comments and feedback about the current way auctions are chosen. Bido is a project that has phases, and the evolution of the platform will reveal numerous innovative features, features primarily based on the initial long term concept, as well as features sprouted from user interaction and feedback.
We would also like to take a moment and explain what being an Expert Member on Bido is all about. Our auctions actually break the mold and encourage comments on the sale from our users. To be able to participate in the commentaries, you must be an Expert Member. To apply to become one is easy, just log into your Bido account and click the link to request the designation. Expert Members gain benefit from participating in commentaries because in each commentary, we will permanently link back to the website of the expert member’s choosing. We also pull down the Expert Members’ RSS feeds, so if you have a blog, or some other feed URL, we will grab the recent entries and display them (and the respective links) in your Bido profile. This is very good for optimizing your website in the search engines with the relevant links back from our site. You will also gain exposure and notoriety for yourself and your brand as the other members and site visitors read your comments.
Thanks for your attention, your patience, and your domain submissions. We’re happy to produce this revolutionary auction platform for you, our valued members, and we promise to continue to innovate and further the capabilities of Bido to enhance your online business.
While we have you, please take a moment to:
Join our Facebook group,
Follow us on Twitter, and
Join our Linkedin group!Be sure to check out www.PortfolioHelp.com, as well as our domain
management platform www.DNZoom.com in the interim!We have a thread running here on DNF if you would like to read and comment, please join in!
The Bido.com Team