Branding is one of those things that many companies spend a lot of time and energy on. It goes from the company’s logo down to the choice of font on the notepaper. GoDaddy’s logo, up until yesterday, was highly recognisable and hadn’t changed much since the company launched over 20 years ago.
The new logo is, of course, part of the company’s latest pivot. Under the new CEO the hosting and domain company is trying to make itself more appealing to a different type of client, which, frankly, isn’t surprising.
Here’s the core logo which they’re calling “the Go”:

It’s also still used in conjunction with the company name, so you end up with variants like this one:

Or you can get the name without the “go”:

In the press release announcing the new logo they explain the thinking behind it:
GoDaddy’s new logo, called the “GO,” is a joyful reflection of how GoDaddy celebrates everyday entrepreneurs from all walks of life, backgrounds and cultures, and how GoDaddy brings together humanity and technology to serve them like no other.
“The GoDaddy brand stands for inclusive entrepreneurship and helping anyone who wants to change how they work and live for the better by bringing their ideas to life online,” said GoDaddy Chief Marketing Officer Fara Howard. “Regardless of where an entrepreneur is at in their journey, from taking the first step online to shipping a first order to conducting a new marketing campaign, GoDaddy is here to guide them along the way with advice, support and all of the tools necessary to succeed.”
“The GO says to our community that they can stand on their own two feet and go do what they love,” said GoDaddy Chief Brand Officer Cameron Scott. “When entrepreneurs see the GO, they know they have someone standing in their corner, championing their every step along the way, to turn their ideas into reality.”
Of course not everybody is as happy with the new logo as GoDaddy themselves. There’s been quite a few articles in the last 24 hours analysing and critiquing it:
The new logo has a back story, because of course it does. You can read more about the new GoDaddy look over on
What do you think about it?