Image by blacknight via Flickr
Nominet held an EGM yesterday.
The EGM was called to make changes to Nominet’s constitution.
Members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the changes, so it will be now a matter of seeing what Nominet plans to do with these new powers.
One of the areas that would be of particular to both registrars and registrants involves pricing. While the cost per annum of a co.uk domain is not at issue, the previous version of the registry’s constitution meant that it could not easily introduce multi-year registrations for terms from 1 year to 10.
From a registrar perspective it would make a lot of sense to be able to offer domain name registrations for the same period across multiple TLDs ie. if a registrant wanted the .com and the co.uk then they could choose to register both domains for the same registration period.
More information on the EGM is available on the Nominet site