Last night ICANN published a timeline for the new TLD process moving forward.
They also revealed that there were currently 500 new TLD applications that had not been completed. Whether they will be completed by 2359 UTC tonight remains to be seen, but I doubt if they’ll all get done in less than 24 hours.
So here’s the new timeline..
- 30 May 2012 Application window closes
- 8 June 2012 Batching process begins
- 13 June 2012 Announcement of applied-for domain names (“Reveal Day”). Application comment period begins. Formal objection period begins
- 24-29 June 2012 ICANN’s 44th Public Meeting; Prague, Czech Republic
- 28 June 2012 Batching process ends
- 11 July 2012 Batching results announced
- 12 July 2012 Initial evaluations begin
- 12 August 2012 Application comment period ends
- 14-19 October 2012 ICANN’s 45th Public Meeting; Toronto, Canada
You can read the full announcement here. There’s some coverage here and here.