, which is part of the group of companies, has been sent a breach notice by ICANN’s compliance department.
The notice, which I’m attaching below, covers a number of issues, including records for some domains, links to specific policies and data escrow.
What’s a little different with this notice is the angle that ICANN appears to be adopting.
While other breach notices regarding “record keeping” referred to a small number of domains eg. less than 100, this time round ICANN are questioning the registration of over 62 thousand domains!
The choice of wording is intriguing:’s failure to enter into registration agreements with Registered Name
Holders of domain names as required by Section 3.7.7 of the RAA, or alternatively,
explain how the domains are used for the purposes of Registrar Services, as defined
by Section 1.11 of the RAA
Which is followed up by this bit:
Provide a detailed explanation to ICANN how 62,232 domains in which
itself is the registrant are used for the purposes of Registrar Services, as defined by
Section 1.11 of the RAA;
Does this mean that the domains are all registered to or is it something else? If so, how did ICANN ascertain that?
The number of domain names involved is significantly larger than what I’ve seen in the past.
Here’s the full notice:
[spiderpowa-pdf src=””]serad-to-mcclure-11sep13-en