According to a recent post on the ICANN blog Kevin Medina, head of RegisterFly, is being held in contempt of court:
The Court held Registerfly and Kevin Medina personally to be in contempt of the Court’s earlier Preliminary Injunction Order.
So the Court has has ordered Kevin Medina and RegisterFly to publish on its website, within 48 hours, a notice telling people about the termination of it’s accreditation as the Court had set forth in the earlier Preliminary Injunction. The Court also ordered Kevin Medina and RegisterFly to comply with all other aspects of the Preliminary Injunction that it had earlier issued by no later than June 1, 2007 .
The crazy thing is that the RegisterFly site looks and feels as if it were open for business.
There is absolutely no indication that the company is suffering from any issues or that it has lost its ICANN accreditation.
There are, however, some subtle differences to the website text, as references to the ICANN accreditation seem to have been removed when compared with an older version of the site from 2006.
But would people from outside the industry be aware of this?
Personally I doubt it.