Parler is Back

Parler is back online fully, or so it seems. A couple of updates below The site is now being hosted by Cloudroute SkySilk who seem to specialise in reselling Microsoft services. It looks like they might be offering some kind of private cloud hosting and that is what Parler is using. The IP address space… Continue reading Parler is Back

Failed Social Media Platform Domain Sells on Sedo for $70k

A few years ago when Twitter was on the rise the social media company started imposing limitations on their API. What this meant was that many 3rd party developers found themselves restricted and inevitably they complained. Some people felt strongly that a social media platform should exist that wasn’t constrained by commercial requirements and that… Continue reading Failed Social Media Platform Domain Sells on Sedo for $70k

AFNIC (.fr) Trying For Their Own Meme?

Is AFNIC getting into social media and memes in a big way? They’ve already got a Facebook page, Twitter and are even pushing out infographics.. now it appears they’re trying to harness memes. This appeared on some social media sites earlier this morning: Sure, it’s not exactly “revolutionary”, but it’s a breath of fresh air… Continue reading AFNIC (.fr) Trying For Their Own Meme?

Nominet Goes Social

Nominet has joined the ranks of those registry operators who have embraced the much vaunted and possibly hyped, “social media”. In the last few weeks the UK registry operator has started using two Twitter accounts and its Facebook page to interact with its members (and other interested parties). Based on member feedback they have also… Continue reading Nominet Goes Social

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